Tag: privateer press

One Author, Three Styles

I’ve done a pretty exhaustive series of posts on my writing style and how it developed, but as I was working on a freelance piece recently, it occurred to me that I have three different styles I use on a regular basis. I thought… Continue Reading “One Author, Three Styles”

The Accidental NaNoWriMo

November is on the horizon, and that means thousands of writers are preparing to jam out 50,000-word novels in a month as part of NaNoWriMo. I’ve never done an official NaNoWriMo, but I keep meticulous records of how much I write per day when… Continue Reading “The Accidental NaNoWriMo”

Three Things I Learned as a Magazine Editor

From March of 2010 to September of 2013, I was the editor-in-chief of Privateer Press’s in-house magazine No Quarter. I directly produced twenty issues (plus two special editions) as EIC and then another ten or so after I was promoted to publications manager (though the magazine… Continue Reading “Three Things I Learned as a Magazine Editor”

The Way I Write Part 6: Shorts, Flash, & Media Tie-In

This is the sixth post in a series titled The Way I Write. I’ve been looking at my writing style over the last twenty years largely used the Flesch-Kincaid readability scores to get an idea of what my work looks like in an admittedly… Continue Reading “The Way I Write Part 6: Shorts, Flash, & Media Tie-In”

Aeryn’s Archives – Acts of War: Aftershock

Last week, we discussed the first novel I wrote for Privateer Press, so now we’re going to discuss the second. Acts of War: Aftershock is the direct sequel to Acts of War: Flashpoint, and, you guessed it, the second book in the Acts of War… Continue Reading “Aeryn’s Archives – Acts of War: Aftershock”

Aeryn’s Archives – Act of War: Flashpoint

It’s probably about time I talk about the novels I’ve written for Privateer Press in a more detail. I mean, I’m always telling you people I have written novels, so I guess it’s time to put my cards on the table. Today, I’m going to… Continue Reading “Aeryn’s Archives – Act of War: Flashpoint”

2021: A Writing Rearview Review

Well, a new year has dawned, but before I really find out what 2022 has in store for me, I’m gonna take a look back at 2021. Spoiler alert. This was not my best year, but I’m all about that transparency, so lets look… Continue Reading “2021: A Writing Rearview Review”

Weeks of Writing: 11/29/21 to 12/12/21

Another couple of weeks in the books. Here’s how it went down. Words to Write By This week it’s another quote from Ray Bradbury.  “You fail only if you stop writing.” — Ray Bradbury When you’ve had a tough week, month, or year in… Continue Reading “Weeks of Writing: 11/29/21 to 12/12/21”

A Week of Writing: 11/8/21 to 11/14/21

The second week of November is done and over with. Here’s how I did. Words to Write By This week’s quote comes from historical fiction author Steven Pressfield.   “Start before you’re ready.” ― Steven Pressfield This quote is short and sweet, but it carries a… Continue Reading “A Week of Writing: 11/8/21 to 11/14/21”

A Week of Writing: 10/25/21 to 10/31/21

The final week of October has come and gone. Here’s how I did. Words to Write By This week’s quote is comes from Carol Leifer.  “As a writer, the worst thing you can do is work in an environment of fear of rejection.” —Carol… Continue Reading “A Week of Writing: 10/25/21 to 10/31/21”