Tag: Rejection Letters

800 Submissions: An Analysis

Recently, I sent out my 800th submission since I started tracking them through Duotrope way back in April of 2012. Feels weird to even say that, but, I guess 12 years of steady submissions adds up. As usual, when I hit a major milestone… Continue Reading “800 Submissions: An Analysis”

Rejectomancy Rabbit Hole: Acceptance Rates

Recently, I was discussing the chances of getting published at some of the big genre markets with my author pals, and a few numbers were thrown around, some by yours truly. These numbers were mostly guess-work. None of us really know the exact percentage chance… Continue Reading “Rejectomancy Rabbit Hole: Acceptance Rates”

Leaving the Nest: Where To Send My New Story

I recently finished a new story, and it’s time to send my poor little word baby out into the dark, feral wastes of submission land. In this post, I thought it might be fun to talk about how I go about deciding which markets… Continue Reading “Leaving the Nest: Where To Send My New Story”

Query/Submission Statement: November 2023

I was fairly active in November, but, overall, it was a disappointing month for both short story submissions and agent queries. It was a month of cleansing, and I cleared out a lot of stale agent queries with the goal of heading into 2024… Continue Reading “Query/Submission Statement: November 2023”

The Regularly Rejected Story: Give Up or Keep Submitting?

Although most of my recent submission efforts have been focused on querying my novel, I have sent out the occasional short story submission. Admittedly, I haven’t written much new material over 1,000 words in a while, so I’ve been grinding away at the stories… Continue Reading “The Regularly Rejected Story: Give Up or Keep Submitting?”

Query/Submission Statement: October 2023

October was another busy month, and I sent a fair number of queries and submissions. That said, queries are winding down as I wait for replies to those still outstanding. Anyway, here’s how I did in the tenth month of the year of our… Continue Reading “Query/Submission Statement: October 2023”

Query Response Round-Up: Week of 10/6/23

Another three weeks of querying gone by, so it’s time for a another response round-up. After a few weeks of crickets, the responses have started coming in more regularly. All rejections, but what are ya gonna do? Anyway, there are a couple of interesting… Continue Reading “Query Response Round-Up: Week of 10/6/23”

Query/Submission Statement: September 2023

September was another busy month, as I fired off more agent queries for my novel SECOND DAWN. I even, somehow, managed to find time to send a few short story submissions. (I know!). It was a productive month, but not necessarily a fruitful one.… Continue Reading “Query/Submission Statement: September 2023”

Query Quest: What Are My Chances Part II

I started querying my novel SECOND DAWN in earnest back in early June, and since then I’ve sent a total of 40 queries, netted some full manuscript requests, and racked up a fair amount of rejections and CNRs. In July, I posted some stats… Continue Reading “Query Quest: What Are My Chances Part II”

Query Response Round-Up: Week of 9/15/23

It’s been another twenty days or so of sending queries and waiting for responses. Things have slowed down a bit–I’m kinda running out of agents to query–but let’s take a look and see how the last three weeks have panned out. First, here’s my… Continue Reading “Query Response Round-Up: Week of 9/15/23”